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Submitting a book review

Submitting a book review


Selection of books to review

To express interest in reviewing a book, prospective reviewers should contact the book review [chronique bibliographique] editorial office (redaction.droitetsociete[at] with their exact contact information (last name, first name, institutional affiliation and postal address, and email) and the publication information of the work to be reviewed.

Books for consideration for review must be within the journal’s areas of expertise or must be of a broader scope of interest to specialists in the area of law and justice.

If the proposition is accepted and the prospective reviewer does not have the book in their possession, the editorial office will endeavor to obtain and send a review copy.

Publishers and authors interested in submitting a work for review may send it to:

ISP – Pôle édition « Droit et Société »
ENS Paris Saclay
4 avenue des sciences


Preparation and publication of book reviews

Text must not exceed 8,500 characters (spaces, foot notes, and bibliographic references included) and must respect the editors’ recommendations to authors.

Footnotes should be used judiciously.

The text should be sent electronically to the book review editorial office at redaction.droitetsociete[at]

If the text is approved by the editors, it will be copyedited, formatted, and typeset. A final corrected proof will be transmitted to the author electronically prior to publication.

Book reviews are published only on the website under the rubric “Lu pour vous” [Read for you]. A mention will appear in the paper version of the journal.


Consultation of chroniques bibliographiques

Book reviews from past issues can be found at CAIRN.